I need create a box plot from a data.frame with three numeric columns, and use the argument split to separate the boxes by paint. I have a large data.frame, but what I need is in the example below:
paint<-c("blue", "black", "red", "blue", "black", "red", "blue", "black", "red")
car1<-c(100, 138, 123, 143, 112, 144, 343, 112, 334)
car2<-c(111, 238, 323, 541, 328, 363, 411, 238, 313)
car3<-c(432, 123, 322, 342, 323, 522, 334, 311, 452)
data<-data.frame(paint, car1, car2, car3)
paint car1 car2 car3
1 blue 100 111 432
2 black 138 238 123
3 red 123 323 322
4 blue 143 541 342
5 black 112 328 323
6 red 144 363 522
7 blue 343 411 334
8 black 112 238 311
9 red 334 313 452
When I used only one column the following function works:
boxplot(split(data[,2], data[,1]))
But when I try to create a boxplot using three columns the function does not work:
boxplot(split(data[,2:4], data[,1]))
Thanks for the help and sorry for poor English.