
Parsing xml to and replacing specific tags shell s

2019-03-22 04:43发布


For the below xml ,I need to replace <studentStatus> for <studentName>CLASSA</studentName> to <studentStatus>failed</studentStatus>.


What I got so far,

xmllint -xpath "/studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType="Juniour"]/studentStatus" myxml.xml

now i got the status of the student as Completed , now this value should be changed to Failed . Only for <studentType>Juniour</studentType>. How should I edit the xml inorder to get it as ,


Can this be done using sed. I know there are tools like xsltproc but not sure if this is installed in all nodes in our cluster .

Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance!


Update value with xmllint in file.xml:

xmllint --shell file.xml << EOF
cd /studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType='Juniour']/studentStatus
set failed

or without here document:

echo -e "cd /studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType='Juniour']/studentStatus\nset failed\nsave" | xmllint --shell file.xml

Update: With bash and XML in a variable:

xml=$(xmllint --shell <(echo "$xml") << EOF
cd /studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType='Juniour']/studentStatus
set failed
save -

or without here document:

xml=$(echo -e "cd /studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType='Juniour']/studentStatus\nset failed\nsave -" | xmllint --shell <(echo "$xml"))


xlmlint, as the name implies, is for parsing and validating XML, not editing it. If you can install xmlstarlet on your cluster, you can do the following:

xmlstarlet ed --update "/studentFile/student[studentName='CLASSA']/studentActions/studentAction[studentType='Juniour']/studentStatus" --value "Failed" *file*


In case if xmlstarlet (a command line toolkit to query/edit/check/transform XML documents) is accessible:

xmlstarlet ed -u "//studentAction/studentStatus[preceding-sibling::studentType[1][text() = 'Juniour'] \
           and ancestor::student/studentName[text() = 'CLASSA']]" -v failed students.xml

The above will output the initial XML document with needed replacement

The command details:

ed -u - edit/update mode

//studentAction/studentStatus - xpath expression to select studentStatus element which has:

  • preceding-sibling::studentType[1][text() = 'Juniour'] - preceding sibling element studentType with value Juniour
  • ancestor::student/studentName[text() = 'CLASSA'] - nearest element studentName with value CLASSA