How can I make a custom environment in rails a def

2019-03-22 02:17发布


i created a custom staging environment in my rails app by adding new file config/environments/staging.rb, same as config/environments/development.rb and then added database config config/database.yml

  adapter: sqlite3
  database: db/staging.sqlite3
  pool: 5
  timeout: 5000

now, i want to make staging the default environment of my rails application instead of development.How to achieve it?


Ideally you have to set environment variable in .bashrc like

  export RAILS_ENV=staging

because rails is fully dependent on environment variable. But like you said

adding RAILS_ENV in ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file of the user. will make this application depent on the console, shouldn't it just work independent of ~/.bashrc or ~/.bash_profile file?

Obviously, this is another option. Include this line at the top of config/boot.rb

ENV["RACK_ENV"] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || "staging"

This will work everywhere. I have tested in following places

  1. Rails 4
  2. Rake
  3. Server
  4. Console
  5. dbconsole
  6. It will pick the environment if it is set in bashrc or zshrc etc.


You can try this in your application.rb after Bundler.require statement

ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'staging'


I have put ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'custom_development' in boot.rb at the last. It worked.

I have tested

  • rake
  • server
  • console
  • dbconsole

All Worked.