It seems like in Play framework templates,
there is an implicit "@import models._" and "@import" because my code:
@(title: String)(myForm: Form[User])
<!DOCTYPE html>
works without having to put explicit import statements after the first line. This issue has been raised in the past:
What other classes/objects are implicitly imported?
You're right, Play Framework automatically add some import
statements to all templates.
You can find these "default imports" in the PlaySettings
trait from Play source code :
If you need to, you can add some additional imports in the project settings defined in your Build.scala :
val main = PlayProject(appName, appVersion, appDependencies, mainLang = JAVA).settings(
templatesImport += "com.acme._"
As of Play 2.3 I use this line in build.sbt
TwirlKeys.templateImports ++= Seq("very.long.package._", "another.package._")
You can look up the file :
All those mentioned there are imported.
Additionally, templatesImport += "com.acme._"
is enough in 2.2.X to import all the files from a package i.e. in the file build.sbt