I have a problem with a locally installed library. In my project there is the xmlrpc++0.7-library:
+-- xmlrpc++0.7/
+-- src/
I want CMake to fallback using the local xmlrpc++0.7 directory if not found otherwise. Two problems, the first one, find_path() or find_library() does not work with local dir. I used a workaround testing if variables processed by find_xxx() are empty or not. If empty I set them manually. The cmake generates the Makefile without errors now. But if I want to compile the project via make, the c++ compiler returns "error: XmlRpc.h: file not found". The file XmlRpc.h lies in myproject/xmlrpc++0.7/src and if I compile all them manually it works fine.
Here is my CMakeLists.txt. I am very happy if anyone could me point to the right solution to use cmake under conditions described above.
--- CMakeLists.txt ---
project(webservice_tesseract) cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6) set(CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR ON) # find tesseract find_path(TESSERACT_INCLUDE_DIR tesseract/tesseractmain.h /opt/local/include /usr/local/include /usr/include ) find_library(TESSERACT_LIBRARY_DIR NAMES tesseract_main PATHS /opt/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib ) message(STATUS "looked for tesseract library.") message(STATUS "Include file detected: [${TESSERACT_INCLUDE_DIR}].") message(STATUS "Lib file detected: [${TESSERACT_LIBRARY_DIR}].") add_library(tesseract STATIC IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET tesseract PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${TESSERACT_LIBRARY_DIR}/libtesseractmain.a ) #find xmlrpc++ message(STATUS "cmake home dir: [${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}].") set(LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS ${CMAKE_HOME_DIRECTORY}/xmlrpc0.7++/) message(STATUS "xmlrpc++ local dir: [${LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS}].") find_path(XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR XmlRpcServer.h ${LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS}src /opt/local/include /usr/local/include /usr/include ) find_library(XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR NAMES XmlRpc PATHS ${LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS} /opt/local/lib/ /usr/local/lib/ /usr/lib/ ) # next lines are an ugly workaround because cmake find_xxx() does not find local stuff if (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR) else (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR) set(XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR ${LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS}src) endif (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR) if (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR) else (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR) set(XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR ${LOCAL_XMLRPCPLUSPLUS}) endif (XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR) message(STATUS "looked for xmlrpc++ library.") message(STATUS "Include file detected: [${XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR}].") message(STATUS "Lib file detected: [${XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR}].") add_library(xmlrpc STATIC IMPORTED) set_property(TARGET xmlrpc PROPERTY IMPORTED_LOCATION ${XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR}/libXmlRpc.a ) #### link together include_directories(${XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_INCLUDE_DIR} ${TESSERACT_INCLUDE_DIR}) link_directories(${XMLRPCPLUSPLUS_LIBRARY_DIR} ${TESSERACT_LIBRARY_DIR}) add_library(simpleocr STATIC simple_ocr.cpp) add_executable(webservice_tesseract webservice.cpp) target_link_libraries(webservice_tesseract xmlrpc tesseract simpleocr)