How to REALLY remove a node via XMLParser:
<B c3='1'>
<B c3='2'>
<B c3='3'>
xml=new XmlParser().parseText(x)
def nodeToDel=xml.A.B.find{it.@C1='a'}
println xml
new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File('c:/temp/a.xml')))).print(xml)
Seems to work BUT!!!! as i translated this to my problem it still saves the original xml althoguh returning true after running remove-method.
I googled a little bit and found this BUG. And it seems as i am affected now of that. How can i solve it? Is there a workaround, or do i have to get back to the roots and start to copying it linewise...?? Is groovy really ungroovy here :-/
edit: As written below, and got experience from that, it is not possible to remove the tag where equals 'e' this way. Only the first Record will be removed. I think there is a problem with the xml format. Not having the needed format:
<A x='1' y='2'></A>
and having it in the format
<A> <x>1</x> <y>2</y> </A>
Is somebody able to reproduce this bug?
edit2: I am using the GroovyConsole 1.8.0. Added the c3 attributes to the example. Tried to remove it with same method, same bug: The first B section was removed... Now the most impressing bug: Tried it with other code:
def xml=new XmlParser().parseText(x)
xml.A.remove(xml.A.B.find{it.@'c3'= '3'}) //want to remove third section
new XmlNodePrinter(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(new File('c:/temp/a.xml')))).print(xml)
results that the first section the property c3 is changed to 3 ?!?!?!?!? wtf...
I am trying to find a solution for a week now, it is quite exhausting...
Somebody an idea?