I have run into an issue with JQuery form submissions and have found no answers anywhere . If someone could shed some light on this, it would be highly appreciated.
The issue: The first time I submit the form, it works fine. But if I submit the same form a second time, it sends 2 requests, 3 requests the third time, and so forth.
function postInvokeFunctionForm(functionId){
var formId = "#"+functionId+"-form";
var formUrl = "invokeFunction.html?functionId="+functionId
type: 'POST',
url: formUrl,
data: $(formId).serialize(),
success: function (data){
alert('successfully invoked function!' + data);
return false;
Dynamically generated form:
<form action="" method="post" id="xxxxx-form" class="invokeFunctionForm">
<input name="functionId" value="xxxxx" readonly="readonly" style="visibility: hidden;" type="text">
<input value="Invoke" onclick="postInvokeFunctionForm(xxxxx);" type="submit">
This obviously is undesirable. The only solution I can think of, id to re-render the (dynamically generated) form after being submitted, but that would be an expensive operation.
Is this a known issue with JQuery ajax submissions or am I missing something obvious? Is there perhaps some form of recursion taking place?