I'm trying to replicate a request I make on a website (ie zoominfo.com) using the same http POST parameters using chrome rest console, but it fails for some reason. I'm not sure if there is a missing field or it's not working because the origin of the request isn't valid.. can someone point me out in the right direction? Below is a detailed explanation of the experiment:
basically if I go to zoominfo.com (registered and all) I see a form page that I need to fill:
if I hit enter.. the site makes an ajax call. If I open the chrome web dev tools, and open the network
tab, I see the details of the ajax call:
notice the body of the POST has the name John Becker in it:
the response is shown under the respones tag:
basically replicate what i've done above using a REST console (note: so there is nothing illegal here.. i'm just replacing a chrome browser action with a rest client action.. i'm not hacking anyone and i'm not getting information I can't get the normal way, but if someone feels otherwise.. please let me know)..
so I plug in the same parameters as above into the rest console:
now i'm not sure about authentication.. but just to be safe, i entered the same user name and pwd i have for the site into the REST console:
but then I keep on getting an error as a response to my rest console's request:
UPDATE: CORRECT ANSWER: so according to JMTyler's answer.. I had to simply include criteria in the RAW body, and convert it to url encoding.. in addition to that, I had to explicitly set the encoding in the rest console body..
looking at the chrome inspector more closely, it turns out that I simply had to click on view source
to get the url-encoded value that I needed to put in the RAW body in the rest console:
I also had to set encoding to gzip,deflate,sdch
and things worked fine!