use dplyr mutate() in programming

2019-03-21 12:12发布


I am trying to assign a column name to a variable using mutate.

df <-data.frame(x = sample(1:100, 50), y = rnorm(50))

new <- function(name){
     df%>%mutate(name = ifelse(x <50, "small", "big"))

When I run

new(name = "newVar")

it doesn't work. I know mutate_() could help but I'm struggling in using it together with ifelse.

Any help would be appreciated.


Using dplyr 0.7.1 and its advances in NSE, you have to UQ the argument to mutate and then use := when assigning. There is lots of info on programming with dplyr and NSE here:

I've changed the name of the function argument to myvar to avoid confusion. You could also use case_when from dplyr instead of ifelse if you have more categories to recode.

df <- data.frame(x = sample(1:100, 50), y = rnorm(50))

new <- function(myvar){
    df %>% mutate(UQ(myvar) := ifelse(x < 50, "small", "big"))

new(myvar = "newVar")

This returns

     x        y newVar
1   37  1.82669  small
2   63 -0.04333    big
3   46  0.20748  small
4   93  0.94169    big
5   83 -0.15678    big
6   14 -1.43567  small
7   61  0.35173    big
8   26 -0.71826  small
9   21  1.09237  small
10  90  1.99185    big
11  60 -1.01408    big
12  70  0.87534    big
13  55  0.85325    big
14  38  1.70972  small
15   6  0.74836  small
16  23 -0.08528  small
17  27  2.02613  small
18  76 -0.45648    big
19  97  1.20124    big
20  99 -0.34930    big
21  74  1.77341    big
22  72 -0.32862    big
23  64 -0.07994    big
24  53 -0.40116    big
25  16 -0.70226  small
26   8  0.78965  small
27  34  0.01871  small
28  24  1.95154  small
29  82 -0.70616    big
30  77 -0.40387    big
31  43 -0.88383  small
32  88 -0.21862    big
33  45  0.53409  small
34  29 -2.29234  small
35  54  1.00730    big
36  22 -0.62636  small
37 100  0.75193    big
38  52 -0.41389    big
39  36  0.19817  small
40  89 -0.49224    big
41  81 -1.51998    big
42  18  0.57047  small
43  78 -0.44445    big
44  49 -0.08845  small
45  20  0.14014  small
46  32  0.48094  small
47   1 -0.12224  small
48  66  0.48769    big
49  11 -0.49005  small
50  87 -0.25517    big


Following the dlyr programming vignette, define your function as follows:

new <- function(name)
    nn <- enquo(name) %>% quo_name()
    df %>% mutate( !!nn := ifelse(x <50, "small", "big"))

enquo takes its expression argument and quotes it, followed by quo_name converting it into a string. Since nn is now quoted, we need to tell mutate not to quote it a second time. That's what !! is for. Finally, := is a helper operator to make it valid R code. Note that with this definition, you can simply pass newVar instead of "newVar" to your function, maintaining dplyr style.

> new( newVar ) %>% head
    x           y newVar
 1 94 -1.07642088    big
 2 85  0.68746266    big
 3 80  0.02630903    big
 4 74  0.18323506    big
 5 86  0.85086915    big
 6 38  0.41882858  small


Base R solution

df <-data.frame(x = sample(1:100, 50), y = rnorm(50))

new <- function(name){

I am using dplyr 0.5 so i just combine base R with mutate

new <- function(Name){

    df=mutate(df,ifelse(x <50, "small", "big"))
