
Regular expressions with Indian characters

2019-03-21 12:31发布


I wonder is it possible to write a regular expression for indian characters? I want to validate if the given character is an Indian letter or number. I found this two questions:

What are the unicode ranges for Hindi accented characters?

what is the range for Hindu–Arabic (ARABIC-INDIC) numeral utf8 from 0 to 9

so I tried this: \x{0600}-\x{06ff}

But if I search this text (in OpenOffice): http://pastebin.com/mDHL69XH with this: \x{0600}-\x{06ff} nothing is found...


Well this should do

[\u0900-\u097F]+// \uFFFF format supported by Java,.net


[\u{0900}-\u{097F}]+// \u{FFFF} format supported by perl,pcre


\p{Devanagari}//not widely supported