I'm taking a foray into Firefox extension development for the first time, and so far it's been pretty comfortable going, but I'm running into a problem; one of the things I need to do overwriting the built-in nsIPromptService and replacing it with something of my own instead.
I walked through the basic XPCOM component creation tutorial here and got the hello world one working:
And everything in that seems to work fine, but nothing I've been able to find or research shows how I can overwrite an interface from javascript. I've seen things in C++ and Java that seem to be able to overwrite the built-in components, but I can't find anything about doing this from javascript, and just trying to change the contract ID didn't work; when I try to get the service from the contract ID (as below), it just returns the original, built-in component version.
var myComponent = Components.classes['@mozilla.org/embedcomp/prompt-service;1']
Is there something really obvious here that I'm missing? Is this the wrong way to go about overriding components (I can't seem to find anything anywhere, so I'm not really sure what I should be doing..).