I´m trying to compile some C++ code with cmake and make that uses the include <emmintrin.h>
and get the following make error:
#error "SSE2 instruction set not enabled"
I have an Intel Celeron Dual Core processor with a Linux (Mint) system (Kernel 3.5).
According to Wikipedia the Celeron Dual Core is capable to execute SSE2 instructions and the sse2 flag is set according to /proc/cpuinfo
. But the author of this question mentions a limited SSE support of the Intel Celeron.
I've already tried to use the SSE compiler options in my CMakeLists.txt
set(CMAKE_C_FLAGS ${CMAKE_C_FLAGS} "-msse -msse2 -msse3")
..but nothing changed. cmake .
works fine but make
gives the error message above.
Do I have to change the settings in CMakeLists.txt or does the Celeron Dual Core simply not (fully) support SSE2?