Style child element when hover on parent

2019-01-07 04:12发布


How to change the style of child element when there is hover on parent element. I would prefer a CSS solution for this if possible. Is there any solution possible through :hover CSS selectors. Actually I need to change color of options bar inside a panel when there is an hover on the panel.

Looking to support all major browsers.


Yes, you can definitely do this. Just use something like

.parent:hover .child {
   /* ... */

According to this page it's supported by all major browsers.


Yes, you can do this use this below code it may help you.

margin : 25px;

.parentDiv span{
  display : block;
  padding : 10px;
  text-align : center;
  border: 5px solid #000;
  margin : 5px;

.parentDiv div{
border: 10px solid green;
display : inline-block;
align : cente;

  cursor: pointer;

.parentDiv:hover .childDiv1{
border: 10px solid red;

.parentDiv:hover .childDiv2{
border: 10px solid yellow;
.parentDiv:hover .childDiv3{
border: 10px solid orange;
<div class="parentDiv">
<span>Hover me to change Child Div colors</span>
  <div class="childDiv1">
    First Div Child
  <div class="childDiv2">
    Second Div Child
  <div class="childDiv3">
    Third Div Child
  <div class="childDiv4">
    Fourth Div Child