I am working on an app that will manage students enrolled in a course. The app will have users who can log in and manipulate students. Users can also comment on students. So three of our main classes are Student, User, and Comment. The problem is that I need to associate individual comments with both of the other models: User and Student. So I've started with some basic code like this...
class Student < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :comments
class Comment < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :student
belongs_to :user
attr_accessible :comment
So in the comments table, a single record would have the following fields:
This presents several problems. First, the nice Rails syntax for creating associated objects breaks down. If I want to make a new comment, I have to choose between the foreign keys. So...
Another option is to arbitrarily pick one of the foreign keys, and manually add it to the attrs hash. So...
User.comments.create(:comment => "Lorem ipsum", :student_id => 1)
The problem with this option is that I have to list student_id under attr_accessible in my Comment model. But my understanding is that this poses a security risk since someone could technically come along and reassociate the comment with a different student using mass assignment.
This leads to a further question about data modeling in general using Rails. The app I'm currently building in Rails is one that I originally wrote in PHP/MySQL a few years ago. When I first studied SQL, great importance was placed on the idea of normalization. So, for example, if you have a contacts table which stores names and addresses, you would use a lot of foreign key relationships to avoid repeating data. If you have a state column, you wouldn't want to list the states directly. Otherwise you could potentially have thousands of rows that all contain string values like "Texas." Much better to have a separate states table and associate it with your contacts table using foreign key relationships. My understanding of good SQL theory was that any values which could be repeating should be separated into their own tables. Of course, in order to fully normalize the database, you would likely end up with quite a few foreign keys in the contacts table. (state_id, gender_id, etc.)
So how does one go about this in "the Rails way"?
For clarification (sorry, I know this is getting long) I have considered two other common approaches: "has_many :through =>" and polymorphic associations. As best I can tell, neither solves the above stated problem. Here's why:
"has_many :through =>" works fine in a case like a blog. So we have Comment, Article, and User models. Users have many Comments through Articles. (Such an example appears in Beginning Rails 3 from Apress. Great book, by the way.) The problem is that for this to work (if I'm not mistaken) each article has to belong to a specific user. In my case (where my Student model is here analogous to Article) no single user owns a student. So I can't say that a User has many comments through Students. There could be multiple users commenting on the same student.
Lastly, we have polymorphic associations. This works great for multiple foreign keys assuming that no one record needs to belong to more than one foreign class. In RailsCasts episode #154, Ryan Bates gives an example where comments could belong to articles OR photos OR events. But what if a single comment needs to belong more than one?
So in summary, I can make my User, Student, Comment scenario work by manually assigning one or both foreign keys, but this does not solve the issue of attr_accessible.
Thanks in advance for any advice!