I'm using play framework 2.4.2
with Java and I want to validate that a user is logged in by intercepting all requests and checking if a session value is set. So I have extended the DefaultHttpRequestHandler and overridden the createAction
Method to intercept all requests. However, I have not found a good way to validate the session.
Option 1 - Fail
When I try to fetch the session value I get a runtime exception: There is no HTTP Context available from here
Below is the class I'm working with:
public class RequestHandler extends DefaultHttpRequestHandler {
public Action createAction(Http.Request request, Method method) {
session("loggedIn"); // Throws runtime Exception: no HTTP Context
Option 2 - Ugly
Since the session is technically a cookie I can retrieve the value from the header with code like the following:
for(String cookie : request.headers().get("Cookie")){
System.out.println("cookie: "+cookie);
But then I have to parse the cookie string which looks like the following line to get the loggedIn value. To dirty for my taste.
_ga=GA1.1.1508004144.1421266376; ki_r=; ki_t=1438789543788%378129908%3B1438789543788%3B1%3B1; PLAY_SESSION=0570411c3eb55ad230681539ddcfaa4220583fd-loggedIn=1
Option 3 - Too easy to forget the annotation
I notice some websites document a different approach and instead create an
action composition and add the appropriate annotation to every controller class or method.
The problem with this approach is it requires the developer to remember to add the annotation. I would prefer to reverse this to block every route by default and then add an annotation to the routes that do not need the validation.
A couple sites that document action composition:
- http://alexgaribay.com/2014/06/16/authentication-in-play-framework-using-java/
- https://www.playframework.com/documentation/2.2.1/JavaGuide4
Is there a way to globally validate if a user should have access to a page and how do I get at the session variable?
*Please note that I'm not interested in using a third party plugin for authentication.