How can I autoload a custom class in Laravel 5.1?

2019-03-21 05:25发布


I've created a library folder within the app folder to add my own classes.

This is the content of the file app/library/helper.php:


namespace Library;

class MyHelper
    public function v($arr)

I added the namespace to composer.json:

and then I ran

$ composer dump-autoload

but it does not seem to have any effects.

The files

  • vendor/composer/autoload_psr4.php
  • vendor/composer/autoload_classmap.php

did not change.

If I try to create an instance of MyHelper, Laravel reports the following error:

I'm not sure what I am doing wrong.


Your autoloading configuration is almost good, but you have

  • got the namespaces wrong
  • got the paths wrong

To fix the problem, adjust your autoloading configuration:

    "autoload": {
        "classmap": [
        "psr-4": {
            "App\\": "app/"

Then rename the directory /library to /Library (note the case).

Then rename the file /app/Library/helper.php to /app/Library/MyHelper.php (note how class name should match the file name).

Then adjust the namespace of the class provided by /app/Library/MyHelper to match the PSR-4 prefix (and thus the structure of your project), as well as usages of the class:

namespace App\Library;

class MyHelper 
    public function v($arr)

For reference, see:



Use files directive in composer.json:

    "autoload": {
        "files": ["app/library/helper.php"]


I know this question was answered a while ago, but the reason it isn't working is that you need to give the namespace that corresponds with the file structure. Therefore, since the Library class is inside the App folder you need:

namespace App\Library;

class MyHelper{
    public function v($arr){

Additionally, if you are going to call the class MyHelper, you need to call the file MyHelper.php


Use composer.json :

   "autoload": {
    "classmap": [

Add your auto load directories like I added app/Transformers.

Don't Forget to add run composer dump-autoload.

The only problem with this method is you need to run composer dump-autoload whenever you add new class do that directory.

Or You can use "Files" in composer.json.

"autoload": {
    "files": ["src/MyLibrary/functions.php"]