We are currently using SonarQube Scanner for VSTS/TFS 4.1.1 (which is using SonarQube Scanner 4.1.1).
What we want to do:
For some projects (modules) in our solution we want to exclude files from the analysis and from the code coverage statistics. This should be done in a maintainable way by using file patterns and not modifying the TFS Build task.
Project structure:
|- Source
|- ProjectA
|- Scripts (should be excluded)
|- OwnCode
|- ProjectB
|- Views (only code coverage should be excluded)
|- Presenters
|- ...
|- ProjectC
|- Scripts (should be scanned)
|- ...
|- ...
|- Solution.sln
What we tried:
- Excluding in the TFS Build Task
- Absoulte path (with backslash or slash):
(similar for the coverage) - Relative path:
- Absoulte path (with backslash or slash):
- Excluding in SonarQube front end
- Analysis exclusion:
- Coverage exclusion:
- Analysis exclusion:
- Excluding with sonar-project.properties:
- Is not supported and results in the following error:
sonar-project.properties files are not understood by the SonarScanner for MSBuild
- Is not supported and results in the following error:
What we see:
The logs of the Scanner Context in the SonarQube web interface are:
Settings for module: Solution:Solution:6FA7B5C2-667D-4387-98B9-445617F2AC0B
- sonar.coverage.exclusions=**/ProjectA/Views/**/*.cs
- sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPath=D:\agent1\_work\5\.sonarqube\out\9
- sonar.cs.analyzer.projectOutPaths="D:\agent1\_work\5\.sonarqube\out\9"
- sonar.cs.roslyn.reportFilePath=D:\agent1\_work\5\s\Source\Solution\Source\ProjectA\bin\Release\ProjectA.dll.RoslynCA.json
- sonar.cs.roslyn.reportFilePaths="D:\agent1\_work\5\s\Source\Solution\Source\ProjectA\bin\Release\ProjectA.dll.RoslynCA.json"
- sonar.exclusions=**/ProjectA/Scripts/**/*.js
- sonar.moduleKey=Solution:Solution:6FA7B5C2-667D-4387-98B9-445617F2AC0B
- sonar.projectBaseDir=D:\agent1\_work\5\s\Source\Solution\Source\ProjectA
- sonar.projectKey=Solution:Solution:6FA7B5C2-667D-4387-98B9-445617F2AC0B
- sonar.projectName=ProjectA
- sonar.sourceEncoding=utf-8
- sonar.sources="D:\agent1\_work\5\s\Source\Solution\Source\ProjectA\Scripts\abc.js","..."
The logs of the MSBuild Scanner in the TFS build are:
Base dir: D:\agent1\_work\5\s\Source\Solution\Source\ProjectA
Working dir: D:\agent1\_work\5\.sonarqube\out\.sonar\Solution_Solution_6FA7B5C2-667D-4387-98B9-445617F2AC0B
Source paths: Scripts/abc.cs, ...
Source encoding: UTF-8, default locale: en_US
Index files
Excluded sources:
172 files indexed
0 files ignored because of inclusion/exclusion patterns
Quality profile for cs: Sonar way
Quality profile for js: Sonar way
Excluded sources for coverage:
Sensor C# Properties [csharp]
Sensor C# Properties [csharp] (done) | time=15ms
Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java]
Sensor SonarJavaXmlFileSensor [java] (done) | time=0ms
Sensor SonarJS [javascript]
What we didn't try:
- Excluding single files by changing the project files
We don't want to do this cause it's not maintainable.
- Excluding the whole project
We only want to exclude some folders/patterns from single projects in the solution.