I need to introduce few additional properties to existing object properties set.
- ID
- Geo Location
- etc
Whenever I draw a shape, I need to add additional properties to the shape and need to get from toDataLessJSON()
I need to introduce few additional properties to existing object properties set.
Whenever I draw a shape, I need to add additional properties to the shape and need to get from toDataLessJSON()
As of version 1.7.0 levon's code stopped working. All you need to do is to fix as follows:
// Save additional attributes in Serialization
fabric.Object.prototype.toObject = (function (toObject) {
return function (properties) {
return fabric.util.object.extend(toObject.call(this, properties), {
textID: this.textID
You have to receive properties
argument and pass it on to toObject
Here's a code for adding custom properties and saving them in JSON serialization for any object on canvas. (I used standard javascript object properties, but it works for me)
canvas.myImages = {};
fabric.Image.fromURL('SOME-IMAGE-URL.jpg', function(img) {
var i = canvas.myImages.length-1;
canvas.myImages[i].ID = 1; // add your custom attributes
canvas.myImages[i].GeoLocation = [40, 40];
And you then include the custom attribute in object serialization.
// Save additional attributes in Serialization
fabric.Object.prototype.toObject = (function (toObject) {
return function () {
return fabric.util.object.extend(toObject.call(this), {
textID: this.textID
// Test Serialization
var json = JSON.stringify(canvas.toDatalessJSON());
// and load everything from the same json
canvas.loadFromDatalessJSON(json, function() {
// making sure to render canvas at the end