Marking primitive types with phantom types in Scal

2019-03-20 20:00发布


In Scala I can use the concept of phantom types (as described e.g. here) to mark types and have this information erased at runtime. I wonder whether it is possible to mark primitive types with phantom types without having them boxed.

An example could be a function that lets an Int only pass if it is a prime. The signature might look similar to the following:

def filterPrime(i: Int): Option[Int with IsPrime]

The function returns the value Some(i) if i is prime or None else.

Is the stated idea possible to implement in Scala without boxing the primitive integer?


The following works for me:

trait IsPrime
val x = 5.asInstanceOf[Int with IsPrime]
val y:Int = x

val z:Int with IsPrime = 6 /* this line causes a compile error
                              which is what you want */


Building on Kim Stebel's answer I've compiled the following

trait IsOdd

object Test{
    def testOddity(i: Int): Int with IsOdd = 
        if( i % 2 == 0) throw new RuntimeException
        else i.asInstanceOf[Int with IsOdd]

    def main(args: Array[String]) {

and invoked javap on the class Test with the following result

Compiled from "Test.scala"
public final class Test extends java.lang.Object{
public static final void main(java.lang.String[]);
   0:   getstatic   #11; //Field Test$.MODULE$:LTest$;
   3:   aload_0
   4:   invokevirtual   #13; //Method Test$.main:([Ljava/lang/String;)V
   7:   return

public static final int testOddity(int);
   0:   getstatic   #11; //Field Test$.MODULE$:LTest$;
   3:   iload_0
   4:   invokevirtual   #17; //Method Test$.testOddity:(I)I
   7:   ireturn


We notice, that the function testOddity has been compiled to return an unboxed integer.

And the following file doesn't compile (which is also what we wanted).

trait IsOdd

object Test{
    def testOddity(i: Int): Int with IsOdd = 
        if( i % 2 == 0) throw new RuntimeException
        else i.asInstanceOf[Int with IsOdd]

    def acceptOdd(i: Int with IsOdd) { println("got it") }  
    def main(args: Array[String]) {

compiler error

Test.scala:11: error: type mismatch;
 found   : Int(1)
 required: Int with IsOdd