I can include URIs and variables in my queries, but I can't include literals in my queries.
Here, I have some code which successfully reads an RDF file, finds all the RDF triples with skos:prefLabels, counts them, and then identifies a couple of specific ones from a set of keywords:
import rdflib.plugins.sparql as sparql
import rdflib
import rdflib.graph as g
graph = g.Graph()
# Read the RDF file
# Build and execute the query
q = sparql.prepareQuery('SELECT ?s ?p ?o WHERE { ?s ?p ?o .}')
p = rdflib.URIRef("http://www.w3.org/2004/02/skos/core#prefLabel")
qres = graph.query(q, initBindings = {'p' : p})
print len(qres)
# Look for keywords among the results
keywords = set([u'Jackknifing', 'Technology-mapping', 'Something random'])
for (subj, pred, obj) in qres:
if obj.value in keywords:
print obj.value
As expected, this code prints:
since Jackknifing and Technology-mapping are prefLabels in the file.
What I really want to do is to construct and execute a Sparql query to look for each keyword in turn. But this is where I come unstuck, because I can't put a string into the query. I have tried this, for example:
o = rdflib.Literal(u'Jackknifing')
qres = graph.query(q, initBindings = {'p' : p, 'o' : o})
but qres is empty. I have also tried putting a literal explicitly into the query, e.g.
q = sparql.prepareQuery('SELECT ?s ?p WHERE { ?s ?p "Technology-mapping" .}')
qres = graph.query(q, initBindings = {'p' : p})
but that returns an empty result too.
How are literals included in a query?