I found the below code in Finding image type from NSData or UIImage which helps to check four different image types of a UIimage
(NSString *)contentTypeForImageData:(NSData *)data {
uint8_t c;
[data getBytes:&c length:1];
switch (c) {
case 0xFF:
return @"image/jpeg";
case 0x89:
return @"image/png";
case 0x47:
return @"image/gif";
case 0x49:
case 0x4D:
return @"image/tiff";
return nil;
I want to know how to find the file is a bitmap image or not that it has .bmp extension. can someone please help me with it. Either modify the above code to find bmp as well or please provide me a solution with some code.
thanks in adnvance