Im using the following code to read to consumer_key
and consumer_secret
from config.php, pass it to twitter and retrieve some bits of information back from them.
What the script below attempts to do is 'cache' the request_token and request_secret. So in theory I should be able to reuse those details (all 4 of them to automatically tweet when required).
$consumer_key = CONSUMER_KEY;
$consumer_secret = CONSUMER_SECRET;
if (isset($_GET["register"]))
// If the "register" parameter is set we create a new TwitterOAuth object
// and request a token
/* Build TwitterOAuth object with client credentials. */
$oauth = new TwitterOAuth(CONSUMER_KEY, CONSUMER_SECRET);
$request = $oauth->getRequestToken();
$request_token = $request["oauth_token"];
$request_token_secret = $request["oauth_token_secret"];
// At this I store the two request tokens somewhere.
file_put_contents("request_token", $request_token);
file_put_contents("request_token_secret", $request_token_secret);
// Generate a request link and output it
$request_link = $oauth->getAuthorizeURL($request);
echo "Request here: <a href=\"" . $request_link . "\">" . $request_link . "</a>";
elseif (isset($_GET["validate"]))
// This is the validation part. I read the stored request
// tokens.
$request_token = file_get_contents("request_token");
$request_token_secret = file_get_contents("request_token_secret");
// Initiate a new TwitterOAuth object. This time we provide them with more details:
// The request token and the request token secret
$oauth = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$request_token, $request_token_secret);
// Ask Twitter for an access token (and an access token secret)
$request = $oauth->getAccessToken();
// There we go
$access_token = $request['oauth_token'];
$access_token_secret = $request['oauth_token_secret'];
// Now store the two tokens into another file (or database or whatever):
file_put_contents("access_token", $access_token);
file_put_contents("access_token_secret", $access_token_secret);
// Great! Now we've got the access tokens stored.
// Let's verify credentials and output the username.
// Note that this time we're passing TwitterOAuth the access tokens.
$oauth = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_secret,
$access_token, $access_token_secret);
// Send an API request to verify credentials
$credentials = $oauth->oAuthRequest('', 'GET', array());
// Parse the result (assuming you've got simplexml installed)
$credentials = simplexml_load_string($credentials);
// And finaly output some text
echo "Access token saved! Authorized as @" . $credentials->screen_name;
When i run /?verify&oauth_token=0000000000000000
- It works however trying to resuse the generated tokens etc... I get a 401
Here is the last bit of code where I attempt to reuse the details from Twitter combined with my consumer_key
and consumer_secret
and get the 401:
// Read the access tokens
$access_token = file_get_contents("access_token");
$access_token_secret = file_get_contents("access_token_secret");
// Initiate a TwitterOAuth using those access tokens
$oauth = new TwitterOAuth($consumer_key, $consumer_key_secret,
$access_token, $access_token_secret);
// Post an update to Twitter via your application:
array('status' => "Hey! I'm posting via #OAuth!"), 'POST');
Not sure whats going wrong, are you able to cache the details or do i need to try something else?