Where can I find the specification of JUnit's XML output. My goal is to write a UnitTest++ XML reporter which produced JUnit like output.
See: "Unable to get hudson to parse JUnit test output XML" and "Hudson, C++ and UnitTest++"
Where can I find the specification of JUnit's XML output. My goal is to write a UnitTest++ XML reporter which produced JUnit like output.
See: "Unable to get hudson to parse JUnit test output XML" and "Hudson, C++ and UnitTest++"
You can find an XSD based on the code in Apache Ant 1.8.2 at https://github.com/windyroad/JUnit-Schema
The xml output is not generated by JUnit (at least, not the junit.jar), but by the junit ant task.
The relevant class is org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter.
I found some informal spec at http://ant.1045680.n5.nabble.com/schema-for-junit-xml-output-td1375274.html
As others have mentioned the xml is handled by ANT not jUnit
Here's the best spec I've seen. From this post
I can only give you an general information.
In the sourcecode of JUnit, you will find your information.
If you provide some more information, I can help you further. My personal hint for finding your specification would be junit.framework.TestResult
Good luck!