I want to find the edge connectivity (i.e. minimum number of edges to remove to disconnect a graph) of an undirected graph using maximum flow algorithms (Edmond Karp / Ford-Fulkerson algorithms) ,
I know that I can accomplish this task by finding the minimum maximum flow between every two nodes of a graph , but this would result O(|V| ^ 2) number of flow networks ,
int Edge-Connectivity(Graph G){
int min = infinite;
for (Vertex u: G.V){
for (Vertex v: G.V){
if (u != v){
//create directed graph Guv (a graph with directed edges and source u and sink v)
//run Edmonds-Karp algorithm to find the maximum flow |f*|
if (min > |f*|)
min = |f*|;
return min;
But I'd like to do this with |V| flow networks (running the max flow algorithm for only O(|V|) times) instead of O(|V| ^ 2) of them