Xcode 8 shows error that provisioning profile does

2019-01-07 04:17发布


Xcode 8 shows error that provisioning profile doesn't include signing certificate.

This issue is with Xcode-8 only with Xcode 7, same provisioning profile showing related identified certificate.


Check your keychain for identities that are missing a private key. I had multiple distribution certificates installed for the same team, one of which was missing the private key. Xcode was only checking the first matching identity in the keychain and automatically using this as opposed to the one that did include the private key.

Removing the matching identity that didn't have a private key made Xcode detect the correct identity again.


There are many ways to fix this, like enabling automatic signing etc. But if you want to understand the reason for this error you need to look at the error message.

It says that the provisioning profile you have selected in the "General tab", does not contain the signing certificate you selected in the "Build settings" -> "Code Signing Identity".

Usually this happens if a distribution certificate has been selected for the debug identity under "Build settings" -> "Code Signing Identity".

If this happens under "Signing (Debug)" it might also be that the "Signing Identity" -> "iOS Development" is not included in the provisioning profile.


To fix this,

I just enable the "Automatic manage signing" at project settings general tab, Before enabling that i was afraid that it may have some side effects but once i enable that works for me.

Hope this helps for others!


For those who should keep using not auotamatic for some reason

Open keyChain Access to see whether there are two same Certifications ,If there's two or more,Just Delete to one and it will work :)


I experienced this issue after recently updating Xcode to version 9.3 The issue was in code signing (under debug) certificate was set to distribution certificate instead of development certificate so this prevented me from installing the app on my devices.

Here is what I did to solve this issue.

Project -> Targets -> Select your app -> Build Settings -> Code Signing Identity -> Debug -> Double tap "iPhone Distribution" and change it to "iPhone Developer".


I unchecked and then checked the "Automatically manage signing" option. That fixed it for me.


For what it's worth automatic signing failed every time until I just manually deleted local profiles in: ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles

After that automatic signing worked perfectly and it got the right profiles from Apple's servers.

This was affecting only some builds, notably the ones for which I had manually created profiles for watch app.


For those who still struggle with this problem in Xcode8. For me was a duplicate Certificate problem, this is how I solved it:

I read the answer of Nick and then I began my investigation. I checked all the keys and Certificates in my particular case (inside ~/Library/Keychains/System.keychain).

When I opened the file, I found that I had two iPhone Distribution Certificates (that was the certificate that Xcode was requesting me), one with the iOS Distribution private key that I have been using since the beginning, and another iPhone Distribution Certificate which its private Key had a name (iOS Distribution:NAME) that wasn´t familiar for me. I deleted this last certificate, started Xcode again and the problem was gone. xCode wasn´t able to resolve that conflict and that´s why it was giving signing certificate error all the time.

Check your keychains, maybe you have a duplicate certificate.


You may also solve code signing issues with great Fastlane toolkit. Authors put a lot of effort to effectively automate building, signing iOS apps (and more).

So in the mentioned suite, there is tool sigh which magically resolves any signing issues, hence the name :) Nice thing here is, that this tool encapsulates a knowledge about common signing issues and can detect and resolve most of them.

Fastlane is installed as Ruby gem:

gem install fastlane

And then simply invoked:

fastlane sigh --development

Answer two questions, and voila:

[11:56:55]: No existing profiles found, that match the certificates you have installed locally! Creating a new provisioning profile for you
[11:57:01]: Creating new provisioning profile for 'com.myapp' with name 'com.myapp Development'
[11:57:06]: Downloading provisioning profile...
[11:57:09]: Successfully downloaded provisioning profile...
[11:57:09]: Installing provisioning profile...

Finally, go to Build Settings -> Signing, and switch to newly created provisioning profile, whose name you just saw in the command output.

This example is for development code signing problem (running on the device). Check sigh documentation for all other options.


"Enable automatic signing" and then selecting a team from the drop-down menu helped me with this exact problem.


In my case, in keychain i had two certificates with same name, i removed one of the certificate which is duplicate then it solved the problem.


  1. Delete the developer certificate that does not have a private key.
  2. Delete the provisioning profile from your machine using go to folder (~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles)
  3. Then first check then uncheck the Automatically manage signing option in the project settings with selecting team.
  4. Sing in Apple developer account and edit the provisioning profile selecting all available developer certificates then download and add to XCODE.
  5. Select the provisioning profile and code signing identity in project build settings


For me, None of the above solutions worked. I was migrating from two older mac's to a new mac, trying to get release/debug profiles working on Xcode WITHOUT Xcode auto managing them.

The solution for me was that when I went and created the two new Certificates, i ALSO had to go into my provisioning profiles, and add (under both the distribution and dev) the new certificates to the provisioning profiles so recognized them. After doing this & downloading, xcode removed all errors and it is good to go.

Hope this helps someone!


I haven't seen this mentioned yet but if you are still having issues after recreating your provisioning profiles, deleting the existing ones you have in your Provision Profiles folder, checking for dupes in your Keychain, etc (all other answers ITT), open your Target > Build Settings > Code Signing and make sure everything looks consistent in there. For example, I had changed the Code Signing Identify for Debug to a Distribution identity, which obviously wouldn't work as the Development Provisioning Profile doesn't have the Distribution certificate and was causing the error in the first place.


If your trying to upload your app to iTunes Connect (your Provisioning Profiles are set to Distribution), Go to Project Settings -> Build Settings -> Code Signing. Make sure to set all of Debug and Release Options to your Distribution Provisioning Provisioning Profile.


I have the same problem. I changed the mac. And when I downloaded the Xcode certificate, you receive an error message: "The error is that the security profile does not include the certificate signature."

1) Go to https://developer.apple.com/account/ios/profile/limited/edit Select the project => edit => Certificates => Select All => Create => Download

2) In Xcode: Project file => Signing (Debug) => Provisioning profile => Import profile => Select file with 1


Here are the steps solved for me (For those who face the same problem in XCode 9.2):

  1. Just manually deleted local profiles in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.

  2. Deleted and created all the certificates and provisioning profile from developers account.

  3. Removed developers account from Xcode and re-added it.

Solved my problem! :-)


I got one of these emails from Apple:

Dear John Doe,

The following certificate has either been revoked by a member of your development team or has expired:

Certificate: iOS Development

Team Name: Honey Team, LLC

This does not affect apps that you've submitted to the App Store or your ability to update your apps. If you're using provisioning profiles that contain this certificate, they must be recreated before they can be reused. For details, see the "App signing overview" section of Xcode Help.

Best regards,

Apple Developer Program Support

I created a new certificate which revoked the previous certificate (locally and on any other developer's mac). For it to work I must download the new provision profiles.

The solution is to:

  • login into Apple developer account
  • remove/revoke the previous certificates created in my name.
  • add the new certificate to the provision profile. You can identify the newer one by their expiry date
  • download them again from Xcode. Xcode >> Account >> Download All Profiles
  • restart Xcode

I personally didn't have such access. This access was only available to our team's admin, hence I don't have screenshots nor certain if these steps are 100% correct.


Clicking but then cancelling "Enable Automatic Signing" worked for me, although the actual change it made was:


or in Xcode it's called Always Embed Swift Standard Libraries


I had the same issue and reason was penny. Wrong profile and certificate was selected in build settings. I only had did this before few days. So, you do not need to enable "automatic" inside xcode. Check profiles inside your build settings before doing it.


Try downloading the certificates/profiles directly from the member centre rather than doing it from Xcode.

It worked for me when I manually downloaded them from the member centre.


I was struggling with it for many days.

Step 1: Deleted every certificates, provisioning profile, appID,Key etc from developer account.

Step 2: Recreated the push notification certificates, provisioning profile, app ID etc.

Step 3: Deleted all the certificates from keychain.

Step 4: Cleared all the provisioning profile from ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles.

Step 5: Added only the required provisioning file and tested out. It works fine.


It means you need to do either 1 of the below:

  1. You should have created a certificate at the Developer Center and then included that Certificate within the Provisioning Profile which you will Import into XCode.
  2. Else, If you are using a certificate created by someone else, then get them to share/export their certificate & private key (.p12 file) to you & you need to include this into your keychain. Refer here

A solution to #2 when you are not able to get the certificate & .p12 file from the creator would be to just check the 'Automatically manage signing' option.


This happens because the provisioning profile can't find the file for the certificate it is linked to.

To fix:

  1. Check which certificate is linked to your provisioning profile by clicking edit on your provisioning profile in the Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles section of the Apple Developer dashboard
  2. Download the certificate from the dashboard
  3. Double click the file to install it in your keychain
  4. Drag the file into Xcode to be extra sure it is linked

The error should be gone now.


Had the same error. Profiles seems renewed, new certificates added, i even checked it when download. Also revoked former developer's certificates, excluded from provision profile. But Xcode still asking me about previous certificates with error:

No certificate for team 'MY_TEAM' matching 'iPhone Developer: FORMER_DEVELOPER' found

so, what i did to fix it:

  1. Go Build Settings -> Signing -> Code Signing Identity
  2. Find all 'FORMER_DEVELOPER' certificates and choose needed.

Hope it will help somebody.