I tried to modify and redefine a function (xcmsRaw) in R package xcms by first defining a function
my.xcmsRaw <- function(filename, profstep = 1, profmethod = "bin",
profparam = list(mzcorrf=1), # PATCH - mzcorrf is the m/z correction factor, e.g. 0.99888 for long-chain hydrocarbons
includeMSn = FALSE, mslevel=NULL,
scanrange=NULL) { ... }
and then typing
unlockBinding("xcmsRaw", as.environment("package:xcms"))
assign("xcmsRaw", my.xcmsRaw, as.environment("package:xcms"))
lockBinding("xcmsRaw", as.environment("package:xcms"))
However, when I run it it gives me the error
Error in get(as.character(FUN), mode = "function", envir = envir) :
object 'profBinM' of mode 'function' was not found
caused by it not finding the profBinM function, which is a C code function defined in file xcms.c of the xcms package.
Any thoughts on how I could resolve this issue? (I am working under Windows 7, using R version 3.0.0)