I'm using an app provided by some website to collect some data from the website periodly, say, 30s a time. The returned response is then recorded in database.
I use the requests modular by import requests and write codes to catch Exception. The codes for the main function are as following:
def get_response(self):
response = requests.get(self.request_url)
if response.status_code == 200:
return response.json()
except Exception as e:
msg = "Exception is:\n %s \n" % e
print msg
The above function works quite well for the first several hours.
The function can also recover from some exceptions like:
('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))
('Connection aborted.', error(10053, ''))
It omits the exception (by recording a Null in database) and continues to get the response of next period.
However, the function stops working when encoutering a 10054 error.
Exception is:
('Connection aborted.', error(10054, ''))
I check the database to find that all the response is Null after the time that the 10054 error comes. I firstly guess that the website may breakdown, thus no response is received. But when I manually restart the function, it starts to get response again. So that's no realated with breakdown of the website.
I search in stackoverflow and find: Errno 10054 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. But I don't know how to resolve it.
Could you please provide some solotion to this problem?(ideally speaking) or provide some solution to restart the function without manually restarting? (It looks like once I restart the funtion and it works again.)
Thanks in advance.