Ok, I've been looking for over an hour on this subject and can only find OAuth solutions, which I do not need or want.
I need to authenticate as myself to Facebook from a location other than Facebook. I need my website (admin area) to authenticate to Facebook for me and post in my behalf, on my wall, or my friends wall. This is an administration tool, and I don't want to login into Facebook every time I post to my website. I need this admin extension to login for me, and add an automated post with a title and image: "New post on example.com".
It feels like I've been looking everywhere and can only find solutions with creating a FB application, granting it certain rights, using oauth, etc-overly-complicated-process, which is (dare-i-say) rather stupid since I don't want to authenticate other people, like visitors. I simply want to emulate my(self|browser), as if I'm the one navigating through their pages and not an automated tool. Of course I could probably go the cURL way and emulate a real user-agent but I'm not about to start scraping FB pages.
Is there a programmatic way of authenticating to FB using a simple user/pass (not even stored on the server) and get the same rights I normally get when authenticating through a browser? And of course, obtain needed data in a json or other machine parse-able encapsulation ? I would assume I need to send a cookie or some form of token on susequent requests, but that's not a problem, I just need a way of authenticating with a simple user/pass and bypass that whole app registration ache.
I'd need something similar to twitter and google+ maybe (?) I did find a simple class for twitter but nothing on google+ (same problem, twitter is pushing hard for their way of creating an app and using oauth, but they do maintain a way of authenticating as yourself through simple REST requests).