I'm programming the python module that executes SQL to DBMS and retrieves data. I'm trying to use jdbc jar files instead of native DB drivers. I'm wondering how to executes jar file in python and get output from jar execution. And I'd like to know how to pass SQL string to jar argument.
Here is the simplified code.
Any help is greatly appreciated.
[ java code ]
public class GetDBResults {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// return sql results
for(int i=0; i<=100; i++){
// Is this the proper way to generate the output?
[ python code ]
subprocess.call( [ 'java','-jar','./GET_DB_DATA.jar' )
# how to get results from jar execution?
# how to pass SQL string to jar execution?
You can read the output through pipe:
>>> from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
>>> p = Popen(['java', '-jar', './GET_DB_DATA.jar'], stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
>>> for line in p.stdout:
print line
As regards passing string to stdin, you can achieve it this way:
>>> p = Popen(['cat'], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT)
>>> stdout, stderr = p.communicate(input='passed_string')
>>> print stdout
If you are using Linux you can use the os.system command:
os.system("your_java_file > out_put_file")
This command will execute the file and print the output to the out_out_file
Then you can read the output file.
You could do :
with open('output_of_jar.txt','w') as fp :
subprocess.Popen('java -jar ./GET_DB_DATA.jar',stdout=fp).wait()
with open('output_of_jar.txt') as f :
output = f.read()
print output
Edit :
stdout=fp means that the output of the command will be written to the file output_of_jar.txt
Then you just have to read the contents of the file with :
with open('output_of_jar.txt') as f :
output = f.read()
print output