how python http request and response works

2019-03-20 11:58发布


I'm newbie for python, I'm having task so I need to scan wifi and send the data to the server, the below is the format which i have to send, this work fine when enter manually in browser url text box,{"userId":"2220081127-14","timestamp":"2010-04-12 10:54:24","wifi":{"ssid":"guest","rssi":"80"}}

here is my code:

import httplib  
import urllib

params = urllib.urlencode('{\"userId\":\"20081127-14\",\"timestamp\":\"2010-04-12 10:54:24\",\"wifi\":{\"ssid\":\"guest\",\"rssi\":\"80\"}}')

headers = {"Content-type":"application/x-www-form-urlencoded","Accept":"text/plain"}
conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
response = conn.getresponse()   
print response.status  
print "-----"  
print response.reason  
data =   
print data



Most likely, the issue with the script you posted in the question is you cannot directly do:


The exception is triggered in getaddrinfo(), which calls the C function getaddrinfo() which returns EAI_NONAME:

The node or service is not known; or both node and service are NULL; or AI_NUMERICSERV was specified in hints.ai_flags and service was not a numeric port-number string."

There obviously is a problem with the parameters passed to getaddrinfo, and most likely you are trying to get information for the "" host. Ooops!

Indeed, you cannot directly connect to an URL address. As the documentation clearly states and shows, you connect to the server:

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 8080)

Then you can do:

conn.request("POST", "wireless", params, headers)

What about the script you are actually using?


Even if the connection was correctly formed, that would have you POSTing to What you really want probably is:

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", 8080)
conn.request("POST", "ppod-web", params, headers)

The error is shown for this line because most likely HTTPConnection is a lazy object and only attempts to actually connect to the server when you call request().

After you're done fixing the above, you'll need to fix params.

>>> urllib.urlencode({"wifi":{"ssid":"guest","rssi","80"}})
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
>>> urllib.urlencode({"wifi":{"ssid":"guest","rssi":"80"}})

To get what you think you want to get, you should do:

>>> urllib.urlencode({"data": {"wifi":{"ssid":"guest","rssi":"80"}}})


Instead of:

conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("")
conn.request("POST", "data", params, headers)  


conn = httplib.HTTPConnection("", port=8080)
conn.request("POST", "/wireless", params, headers)

Not sure if it will resolve all your problems, but at least your code will conform to the method/constructor signatures.


The traceback doesn't come from the same code you pasted.

On the error traceback there's a line:


It is the line 9 of however it is not on the code you pasted.

Please paste the actual code.

标签: python http