Possible Duplicate:
Send and receive NSData via GameKit
I have struct which consists of int variable and 2 float pointers (arrays). How can I pack this struct ib NSData and later unpack it?
Possible Duplicate:
Send and receive NSData via GameKit
I have struct which consists of int variable and 2 float pointers (arrays). How can I pack this struct ib NSData and later unpack it?
You can pack the structure using dataWithBytes method pf NSData :
struct aStruct {
/* Implementation */
//Struct variable
aStruct exampleStruct;
// pack the struct into an NSData Object
NSData *myData = [NSData dataWithBytes:&exampleStruct length:sizeof(exampleStruct)];
// get back the the struct from the object
[myData getBytes:&exampleStruct length:sizeof(exampleStruct)];