I'm interested in hearing how some of you have customized your .ideavimrc file to improve your workflows within your Jetbrains IDE. I'm unsure of its capabilities and would love to know what can be customized. A list of possible customizations would also be helpful.
Basically you can safely source your ~/.vimrc, but be aware that some tricky :map
commands may break IntelliJ shortcuts (that was the reason why IdeaVim switched to its own configuration file instead of ~/.vimrc). The only non-Vim command supported by now (v 0.39) is :action. You can define multi-key bindings for IntelliJ actions instead of crazy shortcuts for 3 or more fingers. For example:
nnoremap ,c :action GotoClass<CR>
You can check out this or this configuration.
Also, bear in mind, that you can record a macro (Edit > Macros > Start Macro Recording), and reference it later in your .ideavimrc file like so:
nmap csw' :action Macro.surround_with_single_quote<CR>
To find out action commands, use :actionlist