I am trying to install ROracle package using install.packages("ROracle")
but every time i am getting this message "Package which is only available in source form, and may need compilation of C/C++/Fortran: ‘ROracle’"
These will not be installed
I am not able to find the solution for this, How can i resolve this issue?
from a past post.
How to install ROracle package on Windows 7?
Download binary from oracle: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/database-technologies/r/roracle/downloads/index.html
The run the following command in r, substituting the file path:
setwd('xxxxx') # set to path of download
install.packages('ROracle_1.2-1.zip', repos = NULL)
Then load the library and use the package - you may have to change XXXX to whatever is in your TNS Names:
drv <- dbDriver("Oracle")
con <- dbConnect(drv, "USER GOES HERE", "PASSWORD GOES HERE", dbname='XXX')
test connection:
dbReadTable(con, 'DUAL')
was able to install from source and download the pre compiled addin directly from oracle