How do I put a Google Chart in Angular 4

2019-03-19 21:07发布


How do you integrate a google chart in an angular 4 application?

I read the answer to the SO question here, but I believe it's incomplete. Basically, I'm attempting the same strategy as the previous answer, using a GoogleChartComponent and another component that extends it. Two errors arise, the first is a missing call to super() for the child component and the second is the call to "new" in this code

  createBarChart(element: any): any {
      return new google.visualization.BarChart(element);

I'm getting the error "google.visualization.BarChart is not a constructor".

I see one of the comments also mentions the use of <ng-content> for data projection but it isn't clearly outlined.

In trying to ask a "good" question, here is my GoogleChartComponent:

export class GoogleChartComponent implements OnInit {
  private static googleLoaded: any;
  constructor() {
    console.log('Here is GoogleChartComponent');

  getGoogle() {
    return google;

  ngOnInit() {
    if (!GoogleChartComponent.googleLoaded) {
      GoogleChartComponent.googleLoaded = true;
      google.charts.load('current', {
        'packages': ['bar']
      google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(() => this.drawGraph());

  drawGraph() {
      console.log('DrawGraph base class!!!! ');

  createBarChart(element: any): any {
      return new google.visualization.BarChart(element);

  createDataTable(array: any[]): any {
      return google.visualization.arrayToDataTable(array);

And my child component that extends it:

  selector: 'app-bitcoin-chart',
  template: `
   <div id="barchart_material" style="width: 700px; height: 500px;"></div>
  styles: []
export class BitcoinChartComponent extends GoogleChartComponent  {
 private options;
  private data;
  private chart;
  // constructor() {
  //   super();
  //   console.log('Bitcoin Chart Component');
  // }
  drawGraph() {
    console.log('Drawing Bitcoin Graph'); = this.createDataTable([
     ['Price', 'Coinbase', 'Bitfinex', 'Poloniex', 'Kraken'],
     ['*', 1000, 400, 200, 500]

    this.options = {
     chart: {
                    title: 'Bitcoin Price',
                    subtitle: 'Real time price data across exchanges',
                bars: 'vertical' // Required for Material Bar Charts.

    this.chart = this.createBarChart(document.getElementById('barchart_material'));
    this.chart.draw(, this.options);


google.visualization.BarChart is part of the 'corechart' package

need to change the load statement...

  google.charts.load('current', {
    'packages': ['corechart']

the 'bar' package is for the Material chart version
which would be --> google.charts.Bar

however, there are many config options that are not supported by Material charts...

for the full list of unsupported options --> Tracking Issue for Material Chart Feature Parity


I believe there is better way to integrate Google Chart in Angular 4. Library ng2-google-charts already has GoogleChartComponent. Link to npm page describes pretty well how to use it. Below is example of component:

import {Component, ViewEncapsulation, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Component, ViewEncapsulation, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {Component, ViewEncapsulation, OnInit} from '@angular/core';
import {ViewChild} from '@angular/core';

import {GoogleChartComponent} from 'ng2-google-charts';

// needed for advanced usage of ng2-google-charts
import {HostListener} from '@angular/core';

  selector: '[your-widget]',
  templateUrl: './your-widget.html',
  encapsulation: ViewEncapsulation.None
export class YourWidget implements OnInit {

  // type GoogleChartComponent and import for it can be ommited
  @ViewChild('your_chart') chart: GoogleChartComponent;

  // shows spinner while data is loading
  showSpinner: boolean;

  public chartData = {
    chartType: 'AnyChartType', // your type
    dataTable: [
      ['Col1', 'Col2']
    options: {}

  constructor() {

  ngOnInit(): void {

    this.showSpinner = true;
          .subscribe((data) => {
            // = data;
            this.showSpinner = false;

  private processYourData() {

  // advanced usage of chart
  //   in this case redraw function on window:resize event
  @HostListener('window:resize', ['$event'])
  onWindowResize(event: any) {
    // console.log(;
    // Make sure you don't call redraw() in ngOnInit()
    //   - chart would not be initialised by that time, and
    //   - this would cause chart being drawn twice

And your markup would look like this:

<header class="widget-handle">
  <h5>Widget Title</h5>
  <div class="widget-controls">
    <a title="Refresh">
      <i *ngIf="showSpinner" class="fa fa-refresh fa-spin"></i>

<div class="widget-body">
  <google-chart #your_chart [data]="chartData" *ngIf="!showSpinner">