Spring boot convert web.xml listener

2019-03-19 16:20发布


I'm trying to convert my project to Spring Boot project (executable jar file with Jetty embedded). All works with a standard example but I want migrate my old web.xml to Spring Boot.

I migrated Servlet and Filters but I don't understand how migrate filters as this:


I created my @SpringBootApplication class and I wrote inside all the configuration:

public FilterRegistrationBean springSecurityFilterChain() {     
    FilterRegistrationBean filterRegBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
    DelegatingFilterProxy delegatingFilterProxy = new DelegatingFilterProxy();
    List<String> urlPatterns = new ArrayList<String>();
    return filterRegBean;

Someone can explain me how Listeners should be converted?


For RequestContext read this

    public RequestContextListener requestContextListener() {
        return new RequestContextListener();

For the other listener is register automatically when you use spring-boot as this link implies.

For your own listeners.

public class MyAdditionListeners extends SpringBootServletInitializer {

    protected final Log logger = LogFactory.getLog(getClass());

    public void onStartup(ServletContext servletContext) throws ServletException {
        WebApplicationContext rootAppContext = createRootApplicationContext(servletContext);
        if (rootAppContext != null) {
            servletContext.addListener(new YourListenerHere());
        else {
            this.logger.debug("No ContextLoaderListener registered, as "
                    + "createRootApplicationContext() did not "
                    + "return an application context");

Finally there is a link in which you can find some information about listeners and SpringApplication class. Read section


Spring Boot will automatically register any @Beans of the following types with the servlet container:

  • ServletContextAttributeListener
  • ServletRequestListener
  • ServletRequestAttributeListener
  • HttpSessionAttributeListener
  • HttpSessionListener
  • ServletContextListener

For example, to register GravityWebSocketDeployer which is a ServletContextListener add a @Bean method to your configuration class:

public GravityWebSocketDeployer gravityWebSocketDeployer() {
    return new GravityWebSocketDeployer();


Also Spring Boot will automatically register any @Bean extend of HttpServlet;

   public ServletRegistrationBean axisServletRegistrationBean() {
      ServletRegistrationBean registration = new ServletRegistrationBean(new AxisServlet(), "/services/*");
      return registration;