I'm making a parser (1 csv to 3 csv) script and I have a problem.
I am French so in my language I have letters like: é è à ....
A customer sent me a csv file that Linux recognizes as "unknown-8bit" (ansi I guess).
In my script, I'm writing 3 new csv files. But ViM creates them as ISO latin1 because it's close to what it got in the entry, but my é,è,à...
are broken. I need UTF-8.
So I tried to convert the first ANSI csv to UTF-8 :
iconv -f "windows-1252" -t "UTF-8" import.csv -o import.csv
The problem is that it breaks my CSV. It's now on only one row. But my special chars are ok. Is there a way to convert ANSI to UTF-8 and keeping my rows?