I'm looking for a good solution for a client/server communication with UDP sockets in Go language.
The examples I found on the Internet show me how to send data to the server, but they do not teach how to send them back to the client.
To demonstrate, my program does the following:
My client program creates a socket on the 4444 port, like this:
con, err := net.Dial("udp", "")
I sent a string and the local address to the server, so it could print the string and send an OK message. I am using gob for this:
enc := gob.NewEncoder(con)
enc.Encode(Data{"test", con.LocalAddr().String()})
My Data struct looks like this:
type Data struct{
Msg string
Addr string
My server listens to the 4444 port and decodes the Gob correctly, but how can I send the OK message back? I'm using the client address to do so (on the server .go file):
con, err := net.Dial("udp", data.Addr)
Then, I get an error code:
write udp connection refused
When the client tries to connect to the Server's port 4444, the client creates a port with a random number (in this case, 35290) so they can communicate. I know I shouldn't be passing the client's address to the server, but conn.RemoteAddress() does not work. A solution that discovers the client's address would be most appreciated.
Obs.: I know there is ReadFromUDP, so I can read the package. Should I read it, discover the client's address, and send the data to Gob so it can decode it?