i need to debug some module in foreign system,
module has public function foo() - how can I know place (module and function name)
from which foo() given module was called? I mean stack of calls.
PS: I cannot stop system, all work I can do by reload this module (but with som debug info)
foo() ->
%% here is my debug - and i need here(!) known about unknown_module:unknown_foo!
unknown_foo() ->
given:foo(). %% see above
Here's a simple trick:
Trace = try throw(42) catch 42 -> erlang:get_stacktrace() end,
This might work:
where_am_i() ->
try throw(a)
catch throw:a ->
Except that it doesn't work for tail calls. For example, given these two functions:
foo() ->
bar() ->
X = where_am_i(),
{ok, X}.
I get these results:
4> foo:foo().
5> foo:bar().
That is, I can only see bar
, since foo
's call frame has been left already when where_am_i
is called.
io:format("~s~n", [element(2, process_info(self(), backtrace))]).
self() can be replaced by any other pid (rpc:pinfo should even work with remote procs). This helps if you cannot even modify the source or beam.
Here is my code for doing this:
format_stack_entry(S) ->
stacktop([Top|_]) ->
ancestor(N) ->
ancestor(1,S) ->
ancestor(N,[_|T]) ->
info(Format) -> io:format(lists:concat([ancestor(2),Format,"\r"])).
info(Format,Args) -> io:format(lists:concat([ancestor(2),Format,"\r"]),Args).
Lists is a custom module in the system. Use your foo module instead.