Can anyone help me to read .tiff image and convert into jpeg format?
from PIL import Image
im ='test.tiff')'test.jpeg')
The above code was not working.
Can anyone help me to read .tiff image and convert into jpeg format?
from PIL import Image
im ='test.tiff')'test.jpeg')
The above code was not working.
I have successfully solved the issue. I posted the code to read the tiff files in a folder and convert into jpeg automatically.
import os
from PIL import Image
yourpath = os.getcwd()
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(yourpath, topdown=False):
for name in files:
print(os.path.join(root, name))
if os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[1].lower() == ".tiff":
if os.path.isfile(os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[0] + ".jpg"):
print "A jpeg file already exists for %s" % name
# If a jpeg is *NOT* present, create one from the tiff.
outfile = os.path.splitext(os.path.join(root, name))[0] + ".jpg"
im =, name))
print "Generating jpeg for %s" % name
im.thumbnail(im.size), "JPEG", quality=100)
except Exception, e:
print e
import os, sys
from PIL import Image
I tried to save directly to jpeg but the error indicated that the mode was P and uncompatible with JPEG format so you have to convert it to RGB mode as follow.
for infile in os.listdir("./"):
print "file : " + infile
if infile[-3:] == "tif" or infile[-3:] == "bmp" :
# print "is tif or bmp"
outfile = infile[:-3] + "jpeg"
im =
print "new filename : " + outfile
out = im.convert("RGB"), "JPEG", quality=90)