this is the full code here for a button to add data to 2 different tables the weird thing is that i have another form wih a button wih similar function and it works fine wih the same statment
Option Compare Database
Private Sub addbutton_Click()
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Clients(F_Name,L_Name,Phone_Number,E-mail,Gender,Date_of_Birth) " & "VALUES(" & Me.textfname & ",'" & Me.textlname & "','" & Me.textpnumber & "','" & Me.textemail & "','" & Me.textgender & "','-" & Me.textdob & "')"
CurrentDb.Execute "INSERT INTO Accounts(F_Name,L_Name,Username,Password,accounttype) " & "VALUES(" & Me.textfname & ",'" & Me.textlname & "','" & Me.textusername & "','" & Me.textpassword & "','" & Me.textaccountype & "')"
End Sub
First, Password is a reserved word, so use [Password]
Second, a date expression must be wrapped in octothorpes: #2017/04/24#
Also, if you won't use parameters, even though recommended, use a function like this to concatenate your values:
' Converts a value of any type to its string representation.
' The function can be concatenated into an SQL expression as is
' without any delimiters or leading/trailing white-space.
' Examples:
' SQL = "Select * From TableTest Where [Amount]>" & CSql(12.5) & "And [DueDate]<" & CSql(Date) & ""
' SQL -> Select * From TableTest Where [Amount]> 12.5 And [DueDate]< #2016/01/30 00:00:00#
' SQL = "Insert Into TableTest ( [Street] ) Values (" & CSql(" ") & ")"
' SQL -> Insert Into TableTest ( [Street] ) Values ( Null )
' Trims text variables for leading/trailing Space and secures single quotes.
' Replaces zero length strings with Null.
' Formats date/time variables as safe string expressions.
' Uses Str to format decimal values to string expressions.
' Returns Null for values that cannot be expressed with a string expression.
' 2016-01-30. Gustav Brock, Cactus Data ApS, CPH.
Public Function CSql( _
ByVal Value As Variant) _
As String
Const vbLongLong As Integer = 20
Const SqlNull As String = " Null"
Dim Sql As String
Dim LongLong As Integer
#If Win32 Then
LongLong = vbLongLong
#End If
#If Win64 Then
LongLong = VBA.vbLongLong
#End If
Select Case VarType(Value)
Case vbEmpty ' 0 Empty (uninitialized).
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbNull ' 1 Null (no valid data).
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbInteger ' 2 Integer.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbLong ' 3 Long integer.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbSingle ' 4 Single-precision floating-point number.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbDouble ' 5 Double-precision floating-point number.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbCurrency ' 6 Currency.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbDate ' 7 Date.
Sql = Format(Value, " \#yyyy\/mm\/dd hh\:nn\:ss\#")
Case vbString ' 8 String.
Sql = Replace(Trim(Value), "'", "''")
If Sql = "" Then
Sql = SqlNull
Sql = " '" & Sql & "'"
End If
Case vbObject ' 9 Object.
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbError ' 10 Error.
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbBoolean ' 11 Boolean.
Sql = Str(Abs(Value))
Case vbVariant ' 12 Variant (used only with arrays of variants).
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbDataObject ' 13 A data access object.
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbDecimal ' 14 Decimal.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbByte ' 17 Byte.
Sql = Str(Value)
Case LongLong ' 20 LongLong integer (Valid on 64-bit platforms only).
Sql = Str(Value)
Case vbUserDefinedType ' 36 Variants that contain user-defined types.
Sql = SqlNull
Case vbArray ' 8192 Array.
Sql = SqlNull
Case Else ' Should not happen.
Sql = SqlNull
End Select
CSql = Sql & " "
End Function
Study the in-line comments for usage.
Try to change this part of code
"VALUES(" & Me.textfname & ",'" &
to this
"VALUES('" & Me.textfname & "','" &
in both lines