
Showing git branch in ConEMU

2019-03-18 20:09发布


Is there a way to show the branch in git somewhere visually (background or similiar) in ConEmu?


Disclaimer #1

ConEmu is not a shell, so it does not provide "shell features" like tab-completion, command history and others.

Usually, Git information like branch or amount of changes is displayed in the command line prompt, for example C:\path\to\repository [branch|+2~4-6]>. This is done by the executing shell, not the console frame.

As far as I know, the standard Windows command prompt (CMD) does not support modifying that. The bash that comes with Git for Windows already supports that perfectly though; and for PowerShell there are numerous extensions for Git, most notably posh-git.


Git branch can be visible in plain cmd or Far Manager prompt.

All magic is done with special ANSI sequences ("Inject ConEmuHk" and "ANSI X3.64 ..." options must be checked). I Run GitShowBranch /i to install showing branch, GitShowBranch /u to uninstall.

Also, you may run your cmd as following (within Task contents or ConEmu's Command line)

cmd /k ver & GitShowBranch /i

PS. File GitShowBranch exists in ConEmu's distro, but you may see it online.


Yes there is a way. Install git bash, then in ConEmu settings, under the "ComSpec" section set the Explicit executable to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login -i.

This runs a bash shell session, and gives you a fully resizable window, with the git tab completion and current working branch prompt.


Change the specified named task to {Bash::Git} in Settings -> Startup and you'll have branch name showing up.

标签: git conemu