I'm trying to implement a REST API with Play 2.0 (Scala) but I'm getting stuck in POST method. How do I get the payload from Request object? I haven't find any documentation about it and have been unable to figure out from source code.
You should be able to do the following:
def index = Action { request =>
val body = request.body
And also things like:
def index = Action { request =>
val name = request.queryString.get("name").flatMap(_.headOption)
Ok("Hello " + name.getOrElse("Guest"))
have a look at this article on playlatam
also check this question on google list
for java (with a param names java_name):
String name = request().body().asFormUrlEncoded().get("java_name")[0];
for scala (with a param names scala_name):
def name = request.body.asFormUrlEncoded.get("scala_name")(0)
I had to do it somewhat differently (maybe I'm on a newer version of the codebase):
my javascript:
$.post( "/ping", {one: "one", two: "two" },
function( data ){
console.log(data); //returns {"one":"one","two":"two"}
my route:
POST /ping controllers.Application.ping()
My controller method:
def ping() = Action{ request =>
val map : Map[String,Seq[String]] = request.body.asFormUrlEncoded.getOrElse(Map())
val one : Seq[String] = map.getOrElse("one", List[String]())
val two : Seq[String] = map.getOrElse("two", List[String]())
toJson( JsObject(List( "one"->JsString(one.first), "two"->JsString(two.first))))
I assume this will change in the final version.
Here is what I did.
val map : Map[String,Seq[String]] = request.body
val seq1 : Seq[String] = map.getOrElse("socket_id", Seq[String]())
val seq2 : Seq[String] = map.getOrElse("channel_name", Seq[String]())
val socketId = seq1.head
val channelName = seq2.head