I have decided to ask this question here after a lot of time spending with Google. But I couldn't able to get the answer for my question yet. Here follows the details:
I have an application and posted to Cydia recently. It has been cracked by someone else and posted it in torrent sites. The interesting part is I have a binary checksum verification mechanism inside and they were able to hack the entire stuff and they created new checksum file based on the changes they have made to the binary. They have edited two functions and decompile it and post it to torrents.
So I have done some research with IDA Pro and saw that its is possible to see the actual implementation of functions and classes. But in order to edit the functions they have to find address of that function and edit it via HEX EDITOR. This is part is confusing to me, is there anybody help me on this? I don’t want to make it "unhackable" :)..Its not that easy I guess. :) But I really want to find out how they hack? :)
My question is how to edit a function in an iOS binary and re-compile it? For example I have a following method in one of my classes.
- (id) getSomething {
return @"Something";
I want to edit the return value of this function.Is that possible??