I've got a java and groovy classes that are being run by gradle task. I have managed to make it work but I do not like the way I have to pass the parameters in command line. Here is how I do it currently via command line: gradle runTask -Pmode"['doStuff','username','password']"
my build.gradle code which takes these parameters looks like this:
if (project.hasProperty("mode")) {
args Eval.me(mode)}
and then I use my arguments/parameters in my java code as follows:
String action = args[0]; //"doStuff"
String name = args[1]; .. //"username"
I was wondering is there a way to pass the parameters in a better way such as:
gradle runTask -Pmode=doStuff -Puser=username -Ppass=password
and how to use them in my java classes.