I'm new to the Repository Pattern and after doing a lot of reading on the web I have a rough understanding of what is going on, but there seems to be a conflict of ideas.
One is what the IRepository should return.
I would like to deal in ONLY Pocos so I would have an IRepository implementation for every aggregate root, like so:
public class OrangeRepository: IOrangeRepository
public Orange GetOrange(IOrangeCriteria criteria);
where IOrangeCriteria takes a number of arguments specific to finding an Orange.
The other thing I have is a number of data back-ends - this is why I got into this pattern in the first place. I imagine I will have an implementation for each, e.g
OrangeRepositoryOracle, OrangeRepositorySQL, OrangeRepositoryMock etc
I would like to keep it open so that I could use EF or NHibernate - again if my IOrangeRepository deals in POCOs then I would encapsulate this within the Repository itself, by implementing a OrangeRepositoryNHibernate etc.
Am I on the right lines?
EDIT: Thanks for the feedback, I don't have anyone else to bounce these ideas off at the moment so it is appreciated!