spinner adding string array on item selection how

2019-03-18 15:28发布


i am developing one spinner this spinner i am string array

spinner = (Spinner)this.findViewById(R.id.mlg); 
final CharSequence[] itemArray =getResources().getTextArray(R.array.RectBeam); 
final List<CharSequence> itemList =new ArrayList<CharSequence>(Arrays.asList(itemArray)); 
adapter = new ArrayAdapter(this,android.R.layout.simple_spinner_item,itemList); 


spinner.setOnItemSelectedListener(new OnItemSelectedListener() { 

public void onItemSelected(AdapterView<?> parent, View view, 
int pos, long id) { 
Toast.makeText(parent.getContext(), "The planet is " + 
parent.getItemAtPosition(pos).toString(), Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 



<string-array name="RectBeam">
<item value="3000000" > Steel</item></string-array> 

this is the spinner related string array i am get the spinner item i am using parent.getItemAtPosition(pos).toString(),done my problem is particular item value how can get

example :  steel----------->3000000 


I am not sure either Spinner allow that attribute value in XML String or not but your problem can be solved like this.

Create two arrays in your array.xml file like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <string-array name="items">
        <item>Nokia 1200</item>
        <item>Nokia 1600</item>
        <item>Nokia 5130</item>
    <string-array name="values">

Now load first array in your adapter and store the second one in other Array to hold values of items as:

String items [] = getResources().getStringArray(R.array.items);
String values [] =  getResources().getStringArray(R.array.values);

And you can simply get the respective item name and value in your onItemSelected() method like this:

String item = parent.getItemAtPosition(pos).toString();
String value = values [pos];