I have a legacy script which I am not able to understand.
The script is to transfer 4 files (2 ebcdic format files and 2 pdf files) in unix to mainframes through ftp.
ebcdic format file 1 is abc.xyz
ebcdic format file 2 is pqr.xyz
pdf file 1 is abc.pdf
pdf file 2 is pqr.pdf
mainframe file name is AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
The syntax of the command in the script is as below:
quote site recfm=fb
put /myfiles/abc.xyz AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/abc.pdf AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/pqr.xyz AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
append /myfiles/pqr.pdf AM2P.BJCUN.SALCHG
I want to achieve the same thing through SCP.
Could someone please tell what is the equivalent of put and append command of ftp in scp ??