Is there any way to add both subscript and and superscript to the same element? If I do
Sample Text<sub>Sub</sub><sup>Sup</sup>
the superscript appears after the subscript. One I idea I had is to do something like:
<td rowspan='2' valign='center'>Sample Text</td>
It seems to do the job but is quite ugly. Any better ideas?
I'm no CSS guru but you could try something along the lines of
There are a lot of hardcoded values and the effects on other elements around may only be found afterwards but it's a good place to start.
Sample Text
<span class='supsub'>
<sup class='superscript'>Sup</sup>
<sub class='subscript'>Sub</sub>
.supsub {position: absolute}
.subscript {color: green; display:block; position:relative; left:2px; top: -5px}
.superscript {color: red; display:block; position:relative; left:2px; top: -5px}
This one is similar to CyberDudes approach, additionally it indents the following text depending on the width of sub and sup:
Some text <span class="supsub"><sup>sup</sup><sub>sub</sub></span> followed by other text.<br />
.supsub {
display: inline-block;
.supsub sup,
.supsub sub {
position: relative;
display: block;
font-size: .5em;
line-height: 1.2;
.supsub sub {
top: .3em;
Well, you can specify position of sup
relative to Sample Text
's right border.
Here's a clean solution. Create two CSS classes:
.nobr {
white-space: nowrap;
.supsub {
display: inline-block;
margin: -9em 0;
vertical-align: -0.55em;
line-height: 1.35em;
font-size: 70%;
text-align: left;
You might already have the "nobr" class as a <nobr> replacement. Now to express the molecular formula for sulfate, use the "supsub" class as follows:
<span class="nobr">SO<span class="supsub">2-<br />4</span></span>
That is, enclose your superscript/subscript within the "supsub" class, and put a <br /> between them. If you like your superscripts/subscripts a bit larger or smaller, then adjust the font size and then tinker with the vertical-align and line-height. The -9em in the margin setting is to keep the superscripts/subscripts from adding to the height of the line containing them; any big value will do.