I'm searching for recommendations for a good Angular4 image slider component, I've tried ngx-bootstrap and ng2-owl-carousel but they don't work as good as they say and theres not too much documentation about them, if you know about a well documented component for Angular4 I'll be grateful for the info!
I had recently faced same problem as you for image slider(carousel/slick) in my angular 4 project so as alternative I used:
ngx-slick https://www.npmjs.com/package/ngx-slick (which has good installation guide and usage guide)
Which is compatible with latest version of Angular(4.2.6)
You might want to look into ngx-drag-scroll, it has features like mouse drag to scroll and hide scrollbar etc.
Usage example:
<div drag-scroll drag-scroll-y-disabled="true" scrollbar-hidden="true" >
<img *ngFor="let image of imagelist" [src]="'you_assets_path' + image" />
demo site: https://bfwg.github.io/ngx-drag-scroll/ It is also compatible with latest version of Angular(5.0.1)