Android Studio

2019-03-18 12:41发布


I'm seeing a crash on an older device that works on multiple newer devices:

android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x7f030035

If I recall correctly you could look at the to see the culprit, however in Android Studio it doesn't seem to exist. Where is the so I can correlate that ID?



In Android Studio 1.1.0 the file is under


If you don't see the above collection of folders, clean and build the project first. It takes a few minutes and you'll see Gradle running at the bottom of the IDE.


[SOLVED] LOCATION OF R.JAVA file in Android Studio 1.3.1 is as follows:

In Android Studio, go to the Project Window (usually on the left-hand side pane:

  1. Right-click on the node, app
  2. Click on "Show In Explorer". This will open the actual directory/location of your project.
  3. The path of the file in this directory is as follows: app\build\generated\source\r\debug\com\sg\calculator
    (Since, I used the package name for my project, hence, I had to go inside the folder com\sg\calculator. This will be obviously different for your project).


May be try thus.

Goto File -> Settings -> Compiler now check use external build

then rebuild project


Android Studio (Preview) 0.5.9

If you are using Android Studio (Preview) 0.5.9 and the new Gradle build tool you can find the default in your IDE here:


and your own here:



So this took a lot of trial and error and google searches but finally have cracked it. After renaming your Android Project in

  • File --> Project Structure, go to Android Manifest and rename the package manually. Then close Android Studio.

  • Go to your Android project in the explorer, then App --> src --> main --> java --> com. Here, rename the folder companyname to your new companyname.

  • Open this folder, and rename the gamename folder to your gamename, in the same format and spelling as you did in Project Structure. Now open Android Studio again.

  • Go to App --> java --> com --> companyname.gamename (this should be showing as the name you gave it in the explorer). Open PTPlayer and manually update the package name to the new package name.

  • This should resolve your problem of Cannot REsolve R